Transfer of training is the ultimate aim of training investment and the key to maintain\ncompetitive advantage in todayâ??s rapidly changing operating environment where\norganizational success often depends on the motivation with which employee can learn and\napply new ideas and information. While previous researches have focused on factors at the\ntraining stage influencing motivation to transfer training at the post-training stage, this study\ninvestigates the influence of pre-training factors. Particularly, pre-training performance\nself-efficacy, learning readiness, perceived content validity, and organization openness to\nchange. The result should assist managers and trainers to ascertain the trainee state of\npreparedness before the training program to anticipate successful transfer of learning from the\nworkshop to the workplace. A survey of high and vocational school teachers in Thailand\nparticipating in 5 days training on cloud computing integration in teaching was made using\nthe Learning Transfer Inventory System (LTIS). Results show that learning readiness,\nperceived content validity, and organization openness to change influence the motivation to transfer at the post-training stage. Thus, framing the training program in the way trainees can\nanswer to the questions â??can I do this task?â?, â??do I want to do this task and why?â? at the\npre-training stage influence motivation to transfer. An implication to managers is that\nemployeesâ?? selection for training should take into consideration traineesâ?? perceptions in order\nto anticipate motivation to transfer at the post-training stage.